The Signature 90 Day Program
How To Plan, Create And Have Ready For Launch Your Own Online Group Coaching Program In 90 Days
What Others Have Said

With your coaching program, you have given me a gift and I am ever so grateful to you. Thank you doesn't seem enough really!

Anthony is very approachable, has great insights, shares his knowledge and expertise willingly

My greatest takeaway was the structure I learned from Anthony. Learning how to build a robust coaching model by following proven methods that produces results and gives you back your time freedom.

~Chris Sweeney

I had so many questions about setting up my own online coaching programme, and wondered if I would ever master all the skills necessary.

My greatest take away from the coaching program has been the structured, strategic content and the presentation of necessary tools. I have a lot more clarity on what I need to do, and I can see a manageable path ahead

~Wolf Bernhardt

Who is this program for?

The Signature 90 Day Program is specifically designed to help coaches and consultants to complete each step in getting their online coaching program up and running.

This includes the planning, design, content creation, teaching methods and course delivery strategies, as well as how to promote your coaching program and attract paying clients.

Do all this starting completely from scratch, no previous experience necessary.

If not now, is your time to shine!

The Signature 90 Day Program Was Made For You

Imagine what is possible in just 90 days from now

You've freed up a huge amount of your time because your coaching program is now available in digital format

It's now simpler to deliver coaching to your clients more live delivery (unless you choose to do this), or continual content creation.

Because you're now set up to coach groups of clients, you're reaching many more people

Because you're now coaching a group of clients in a single coaching session your income has gone through the roof

And at the same time you have really happy clients because you're able to charge them a lesser fee.

As far how you use your time now...well, you've now got lots of choice about how you use it.

If you've said "YES" To any of , then you are exactly who I live to serve inside The Signature 90 Day Program
It's time to say "YES" again and join!
What's Inside The Signature 90 Day Program?

How to plan, create and have ready for launch your own online group coaching program in 10 weeks

Starting From Scratch!


An introduction and overview of the online evergreen group coaching model.

The advantages of group coaching vs coaching clients 1-1


Determine exactly who your ideal client is. 

Build a description of how your coaching will help clients solve their problem i.e the results clients will achieve from your coaching program


Complete a plan for your overall course/program outline. 

Then plan what individual lessons you are going to teach in your program, and in what order


Identify the options you have for teaching your content. 

Choose and then plan the individual teaching strategies you intend to use for each lesson.

Develop teaching content for your first lessons.


Set up your course/program for online access by clients. 

 Design an online template for your individual lesson content. 

 Develop an online course/program home page.


Why and how email is to be used in your coaching business. 

 Develop a sign up page for clients to access your coaching.

 Develop a thank you page to complete the sign up process.


Set up your email autoresponder. 

Create an automated email nuture sequence of emails campaign.


The structure of a sales letter.

How to write a sales letter.

Create your sales letter.


Overview of a webinar promotional strategy.

The structure of a sales webinar.

Essential steps to sell your webinar.

Plus You Get Access To My Live Weekly Q&A Calls For The Duration Of The program

Every week I conduct a live Q&A session.

Attendance at these sessions is optional. However they are a great opportunity for us to work closely together on designing and creating your coaching program. During these sessions I answer questions you may have, or offer help and guidance as needed so you can work through any areas in the program where you might be stuck.

If you can't attend a live session but still have questions just let me know by email what your question or issue is and I will address it during the session. 

All live Q&A sessions are recorded.

Let's Recap... Here's What The Signature 90 Day Program Can Help You Achieve!

Map out and then establish the full scope your online group coaching program

Get started immediately on designing and then creating the content of your online group coaching program quickly and easily, using my proven approach

Set up your group coaching program for automated delivery so you can create more time freedom for yourself, plus the potential to create multiple streams of passive income from your coaching 

Attract clients to sign up for your coaching program by using powerful and persuasive sales copy (which I can teach you how to write) 

Capture leads on your email list and then use a series of automated emails to influence a high percentage of those leads to become paying customers 

Write series of emails (I can assist you with ideas for content) that help to build on your authority, develop trusting relationships with your subscribers and encourage ongoing sales for your coaching services 

Experience what it's like to earn while you sleep with your pre-recorded coaching program and automated email campaigns doing most of the work to generate consistent sales for your business 

Do all this without wasting your time and money researching all the conflicting ideas and methods for creating and launching an online group coaching program 

Remove any guesswork or trial and error on your part while setting all this up because you have my proven step by step pathway and methodology to follow

Join The Signature 90 Day Program Today for ONLY $3,997 $2000, 0r 4 monthly payments of $550
(save 50% Today!)
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